it started to snow here in the new forest~yesterday,in the early hours while i lay wakeful.
i got up once to look out of the window and the garden was a layer of ice~rushing back into bed, pulling the old blanket we have as an extra layer up around my ears. an hour later, still awake i could feel a change in the darkness and getting up again i saw a layer of snow now covered the garden.
it lasted about three hours and once again we walked flynt down to the common.
i got up once to look out of the window and the garden was a layer of ice~rushing back into bed, pulling the old blanket we have as an extra layer up around my ears. an hour later, still awake i could feel a change in the darkness and getting up again i saw a layer of snow now covered the garden.
it lasted about three hours and once again we walked flynt down to the common.

this was the last snow fall~but it looks the same now!
the sky then cleared and by later afternoon the snow was slightly frosted over, our feet crunching through the snow as we went back to the common.
the night saw a sky full of bright stars.
i woke to a grey sky and an hour ago it started to snow again~at first small hard grains that bounced off of flynt as his bimbled around in the garden. now its proper, soft flakes swirling down~we were due to snow flurries today and more consistent snow for tomorrow.
we are constantly topping up our bird feeders and making sure we put food on the floor for those who cannot perch on the feeders.
two days ago i bought two coconuts and swampy halved them for me while i made up a good mix of lard, crushed peanuts, sunflower hearts and seed mix with added mealworms.
this was squished into the coconut halves which are now hanging around our garden and i was happy today to see a tiny, scruffy coal tit perched on one and enjoying a good feed.
today i have done some 'housework' on my laptop and now its time to have some food.
i have been fending off yet another head/ear ache since the early hours and it just wont shift so a quiet afternoon is on the horizon for me.
~hope you are all staying warm~