these days we walk mostly around the area known as the
ornamental drive which is about ten minutes from our little home.
if you remember a previous post this was where the herd of deer crossed our path.
this is now a favorite walk of ours-always in the hope of seeing more deer.
Rhinefield House-this is as close as we can get from the narrow road, but via google earth you can see the ornate gardens laid out and see how isolated it is.

i hope you all had a wonderful festive Yule?
it was quiet here, with two days being busy and devoted to family gathering.
the rest of the time it has just been swampy, flynt and myself-walking, reading and model making (swampy not me!)
i received a fine collection of reading material which i shall be posting about later.
yesterday i had to take my new glasses back to the optician-i really cannot get used to bi focals and was getting neck ache and eye strain! the optician has been able to sort me put a lens that i can use for both lap-top and close work without the need for bi focals and agreed that i can manage without the long distance lens for a while yet.
i shall now stop here and stop by and visit you!