phew its hot here~very hot
for those of you not sure where the new forest is i have put a little yellow pointer on the map~we are way down south here in england and this is an up to date satellite image from the met office.
for those of you not sure where the new forest is i have put a little yellow pointer on the map~we are way down south here in england and this is an up to date satellite image from the met office.

here is a better picture~
View Larger Map
the green and brown area is the forest and heathland that surrounds me, the river just seen at the top is the river itchen and the sea to the south is the solent and the little chunk of land down in the corner is the isle of wight
the heathland is very dry right now and at risk from fire and yesterday there was little sign of any horses or cows~the horses we did see were congregating in clusters in the shade of tree's the cows must have moved further into the forest for we saw none.
after a dull start yesterday the cloud cleared to leave us with a blisteringly hot day~i couldn't even sit in our garden in comfort because we have full sun all day, except for a thin sliver of shade along our south facing fence.
so it was not until about 3pm could i take my copy of 'New Moon' into the garden.
today we have some cloud drifting over but it is no cooler, although it might mean i can sit in the garden with my book without burning.
and now a big thank you to all your lovely comments on my self-portrait post, you are all so kind and make a girl feel good!
i am now waiting to see who else will post!
~hope you are all having a good day wherever you are~