looking at leanne's post made me think about my own blogging path, so of course it made me wonder how long i have been blogging~leading me to think how much my blogging has actually changed.
i started blogging on 26th june 2007 and i really have no idea what pushed me in this direction, it just must have seemed fun at the time~and it has been, it still is.
i looked over some of my early posts and they now seem very...'new girl on the block', maybe i was conscious of the fact that maybe someone out there would read it~you know the feeling, like being the new girl in class, wanting to make friends.
as time went on, my writing changed and i became less inclined to write what i thought people might want to hear and just wrote what came out of my head as i sat in front of the screen and i still do~i must write things that interest people as i have you all come back for more.
one thing i have always done is change the look of my blog, and as you can see i have been at it again today~i guess its like decorating my little cyber room, it keeps it interesting for all of us.
i sort of wonder~what did we all do before blogging? i am not a great fan of technology but oh how i have embraced blogging~i have met and made some lovely, dear friends through it and gained an insight into living in different countries across the world and its wonderful.
~~on an entirely different track, i have gone all day, the first since last tuesday, without falling asleep throughout the day~~