dont forget to click on the photos!

the morning of the day i took to my bed (yes i was out and about, if a bit snuffly, thinking it was just one of the symptoms of my m.e) we went to mudeford for a bit of sea air~watched fishermen casting their nets and pulling them in...empty.
swampy has been taking photos of the developing sacred garden all week, to make sure i miss nothing...this is how it is looking now, the grass coming up nicely and plants flourishing...he loves the poppies, i the california poppies...

swampy popped into the village one day to stock up my yogurt supplies, leaving the back door open~when he came home he found this young dunnock had hopped its way into the living room. a bit of gentle herding and he was soon back in the garden where i am glad to say he soon joined up again with ma and a sibling

my jam jar of sweet peas and lupins~my bed faces the window so i have spent the week watching all the birds feeding

today i have three spikes of lavender from my two bushes beside the front door, in an old coffee jar beside me bed~alongside my wind-up radio, a small rabbit made of Liberty fabric (i adore Liberty), my ipod nano in its jolly orange, merino wool jumper i knitted for it, ginger and orange Badger Balm, my glasses case, Palmers shea butter and an old Bunnykins bowl that holds my jewellery and cough sweets!
i found the jar, when living in dorset, the farmer cleared a ditch, which was obviously where in times past they would just dump their you can imagine i had a great time sifting the mud for any exciting finds!
~ the jar has 'mitre coffee & chicory essence' on one side, one the other 'kearley & tonge ltd, London'~i wonder if it tasted like 'camp coffee'?

my mum and sister popped in earlier, well my sister stayed outside despite me assuring her i was now no longer infectious, while mum came in with a bag of groceries in order to feed swampy up-as if he is starving?!...along with a pack of caramel shortcake for when i feel better! they only stayed five minutes so i had a quick bath and hair wash, while i had the energy and now sitting on the bed...note i said 'on' and not in~despite feeling really unwell this morning i am now feeling 'not too bad' and enjoying that 'fresh pyjama' feel and the breeze coming in through the window.