just as we had the wheel turn at the solstice so we are coming up to a turn in the waning cycle of the moon, we are edging slowly toward the dark moon.
a time to turn our thoughts inwards and build up any depleted energies.
its also a time for meditation and visualisation/pathworking/vision quests~whatever they are known as in your particular path , a time to ask questions and seek answers.
this is good for me as i have been having 'identity' problems with a certain someone in my own journey and its been driving me crazy~really crazy. its occupying my thoughts constantly.
when i started my journey and turned inwards for guidance and inspiration i met my guides, one i came to identify quickly, this other has been elusive to say the least.
so i have been trawling my books and endlessing thinking for hints as to who it may be.
oh i have asked, believe me, the first time i was told i was not ready, then the last time they just smiled at me~i took this to mean i am close and it feels as if i am.
in fact i am sure i am there, but just not ready to name name's to myself as it were, not quite yet.