i have been awake since about 4 this morning, as i always sleep with the window open the sound of a howling wind rushing through the trees woke me.
today is like winter and the sky a dark grey
on a good note i managed to go shopping with swampy yesterday and did not need to lay down to recover when i got back home!
also we finally bought the paint to decorate our living room, it has taken nearly a year to get this far and we still have the bedroom to do.
still, as i always say, its our forever home so whats the rush?
i guess my rush is to obliterate all traces of the previous occupants~of course that would be viable if we didn't keep having 'money collectors' sending them letters all the time!
at first i would post any letters for them as 'not known at this address', however when a letter came from a law court with the name obscured, i opened it, fearing my bank robbing days were over and mentally sending my swag bag to a charity shop (joke honest!).
i found it was for so-and-so, requesting the pleasure of their company in court for unpaid whatever. so i started to open all the letters, is that wrong do you think?
oh so many letters from oh so many companies requesting money...lots of money...running into four figures kind of money.
needless to say i phone all of these companies whenever a letter falls through my letter box, explaining why it was not so-and-so phoning with offers of payment and how they have not lived here for nearly a year.
i think that has solved it for we have had no letters for a while now.
it just felt horrible and intrusive, so you can see why i have this need to paint over my home's past.