~rats & sinking ships...~

...are the words that come to mind when i think of our government at this point in time, but i like rats, so maybe i need to find another word...

the news here in the uk has been changing faster than you can blink.

it seems everytime i turn on the news some new mp is coming up with feeble excuses for claiming stupid amounts in expenses~'i forgot i had paid off my mortage'.
oh come on, even mp's are not so wealthy they dont watch their mortage payments like a hawk and possibly even celebrate when its paid, they certainly wont forget...

or, looking at things that have been claimed for, then maybe they would.

i think there are many people here who believe that they should survive on their salary, which i am sure is fairly subtantial, and nothing more~the ordinary person in the street has to, i bet you do to.
of course they harp on about having the second home because they have to travel to london or their constituancies~well boo hoo~there are thousands and thousand of folk who have to travel miles everyday to their work and i bet they cannot claim as much, if at all in, expenses.

i thought the other day how my gramps must be rolling in his grave over this~he was a life long labour supporter from a very long line of dock workers and bargemen in portsmouth dockyard and i am sure his grandfather would have been a member of the party before they were even called the labour party.

and now the pm is having a re-shuffle~where will it all lead to?

on a totally different subject~i hope these two miscreants make some lovely, new best friends during their long, long time in prison...