atop the rockefeller centre~NYC
*chalk & cheese*
i have been thinking about this often just lately when being deprived of sleep and lay in bed in the dark with my mind whirring~its how i see me and my sister *s*.
we do actually look very alike, have the same build and paleness, although she didnt end up with the 'ginger gene' and i have been told we even have the exact same mannerisms. she is presently studying for a degree in criminal studies, and this has always been the focus of her education, the law. while mine, as you know, has been history.
my thoughts also took me down the road of interests and i realised that while i have lots of hobbies and interests she has little or none~she doesnt knit, sew, read for enjoyment, garden, paint or draw... and i found myself wondering what she does do, except walk her dog and work...its such an odd thought!
but thats as far as it goes~we are very, very different souls, the best way to describe it is to use how swampy descibes me 'eclectic'~all-embracing, assorted, broad, diverse, heterogeneous, inclusive, liberal, many-sided, mingled, mixed, multifarious, multiform, selective, universal, varied, wide-ranging~think of the total opposite of this and there is *s*!
luckily this has not stopped us having a really good relationship