i am hoping to have a clear night every night, but not holding my breath!
this morning i woke to a very misty world but it soon cleared and today blue skies and the odd cloud are above us in the new forest.
so what is in store today? well off to the farm shop and as we usually do look at the plants.
fingers crossed we shall see some foals on the way. it was upsetting last week as some moron driving too fast killed one of the village donkeys. that is the downside to living here~over the years we have seen so many poor horses and cows laying at the side of the road because of the thoughtless actions of road users~have even seen them nudge horses with their cars if they are standing in the road to make them move.
will they ever stop to think this is the animals forest.
i guess another downside is the holiday makers, when i was small i remember it not being so busy but over the years i guess people want to get out of the cities and towns for a while and that is what we have to put up with living in such a beautiful area.
as is usual across the world we get good and bad tourists~the bad are ones who leave their litter and try to sit their children on the ponies and then get upset when they get bitten or kicked.