well its easy to tell my studies are back underway~days go by again with no blogging.
i am taking today off today as i was at the local hospital at 9am for my yearly fasting blood test.
we had planned to then go to a nearby garden centre we have never visited to see if they had anything on my plant wish-list.
well we ended up sitting in the hospital car park waiting for the AA to come to the rescue! it seems our rather underpowered battery had finally given up the ghost~the AA chap gave us a jump start and we were lucky enough to be in lymington and only five minutes from an exhaust/battery supplier where we bought a bigger, more highly powered battery and i said goodbye to £86 from my account
*big sigh*
so my plant buying will have to wait a little while now, which is not too much of a problem as swampy has plenty of digging to do and we need to get some sleepers from my mums garden as we have decided the far end will be raised~its slopes up so we think it will be easier on swampy rather than trying to level the whole lot!
tomorrow we are returning to dorset~poor swampy has had dreadful toothache this past week~so he has to have his jaw x-rayed at dorchester hospital and then we go straight to our dentist about 20 miles away, taking the x-rays with us, where he will have two teeth out.

as it is going to take us a good chunk of the day cody will be coming with us and i shall be taking my books with us so i can do some reading while swampy is in the dentists chair~needless to say he will be living on soup for a few days!