*sometimes i find myself analysing my path*
and this is something i touched on in an earlier post
i cannot remember a time when i was not a pagan, or at least had those early formed ideas of believing something different from what was told to me at school, from what others believed.
over the years my path has changed and developed in subtle ways, i imagine many people have this change, and my thoughts have developed and i have read more, delved deeper.
i wonder...what should i call myself?
why do i need to give myself a name i wonder?
a label?
a sense of belonging?
but i am solitary and always have been so why?
*i think this comes in part form a forum i belong to where i have found how very different my path is to others*
i have no concept of the worship of 'the goddess',
that the goddesses and gods are part of a monotheistic entity
i do not follow the eight-fold wheel of the year~i focus on the four main festivals while being aware that the ancestors, for whatever reason, found significance in the solstice and equinox
i do not cast circles or use tools in ceremonial magic with the four elements
*following a pagan path is a funny old thing*
but from my involvement in the stonewylde forum its good to see the differing paths joining in harmony with respect