
i love it, probably because this is what i have turned into over the last few years...
How to find out whether you or someone you know is a Grumpy Old Women
The unmistakable signs
Shop assistants cower in fear when you return shoddy goods
You are the litter police
Young men are afraid to be left alone with you lest you pounce
You like a slip-on shoe – saves all that bending
If you wore a thong you might look like a Sumo wrestler
You start collecting used margarine pots and plastic bags
You start to enjoy pottering
Things That Grumpy Old Women Say
It's a bloody disgrace
I want to talk to the manager
Spending a penny
Is it me or is it hot in here?
I could murder a nice cup of tea
I can remember those flared trousers first time around
taken from the bbc link above
yes, some of those apply to me in some form or another~ i was reminded of it today when i fired off a 'angry from the new forest' e-mail to our local collage about the bad language villagers are forced to listen to, their students speeding in a 30 zone and their general, physical littering ~standing in clusters outside shops so we cannot get into the shops without pushing through them.
oh, i saw the bbc weather forecast and over night it is going to freeze and tomorrow they forecast sleep, snow turning into freezing rain~even as far south as here, which is a scant five miles from the solent, which is pretty much as far south as we can get on the mainland here~in fact click on the 1945 map on the link and our village is there. so maybe i will have some snowy pictures to post!
well thats quite enough of my ramblings today, time to get back to my notes...
*have a good day*